Worlds Steepest Sky Car Rides

2. Langkawi Sky Car- Langkawi, Malaysia

Another breathtaking experience with great engineering and amazing views. There are three stations, base station- from where you take the cable car, middle deck- with the great views and boundless beauty of the nature and the third is the top station from where you can take the sky glide or can easily walk to reach the sky bridge. The cable car ascends at a very steep incline, quite close to the mountainside, offering fantastic up-close views of the trees and rocky cliffs.  It was all very thrilling.


It’s the steepest cable car climb in the world!

langkavi sky bridge

The Langkawi Sky Bridge is a curved suspension bridge suspended from a 82 meter high single pylon. The bridge is located at the peak of Gunung Mat Chinchang in the island of Langakawi. This bridge is a unique structure and an architectural marvel.


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