7 Secrets Of Dark Chocolate
Believe me Dark chocolates is a superfood !! People usually eat nutritious foods and salads to keep themselves fit and healthy. Most of us miss the basic pleasure of eating a normal chocolate, due to fear of extra calories and unwanted sugars. Your commitment to healthy life sometimes means you have to let go of sweets and chocolates. So what if there was a way to eat chocolate and still get benefits?
We’re talking about Dark chocolates, which aren’t as bad as other milk based chocolates. Its rich antioxidants and nutrients lowers the risk of heart disease and can help you hit your target weight too!
1. It Reduces Stress
And as it turns out, that kind of emotional eating might not be such a bad thing. You know what kind of havoc stress and its sneaky sidekick cortisol can wreak on your body. Swiss scientists (who else?) found that when very anxious people ate an ounce and a half of dark chocolate every day for two weeks, their stress hormone levels were significantly reduced and the metabolic effects of stress were partially mitigated. After a breakup, break out a dark chocolate bar rather than a pint of ice cream.
2. Beauty Secret
With at least 70 percent cocoa, dark chocolate is the only chocolate which delivers beauty benefits. Flavonoids, naturally occurring plant substance in cocoa improves blood flow to the skin, improves skin hydration and complexion, absorb UV light and protect skin against sun- induced damage. Cocoa helps in reducing the stress hormones, resulting less collagen breakdown in the skin lowering the wrinkles.
3. Full of Antioxidants
Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants help free your body of free radicals, which cause oxidative damage to cells. Free radicals are implicated in the aging process and may be a cause of cancer, so eating antioxidant rich foods like dark chocolate can protect you from many types of cancer and slow the signs of aging.
4. Good For Heart
In a Swedish study it was proved that those who eat one or two servings of dark chocolate every week cut their risk of heart failure. Dark chocolate lowers the risk of clogged artery congestion and blood pressure by preventing heart aches and strokes. This is achieved as it helps in co-creating nitric oxide, a proven blood vessel vasodilator. Flavonoids and antioxidants compounds present in dark chocolate increases the flexibility of veins and arteries, which reduces the blood pressure raising effects of workout on overweight individuals.
5. Good for Your Brain
Dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain as well as to the heart, so it can help improve cognitive function. Dark chocolate also helps reduce your risk of stroke. Dark chocolate also contains several chemical compounds that have a positive effect on your mood and cognitive health. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), the same chemical your brain creates when you feel like you’re falling in love. PEA encourages your brain to release endorphins, so eating dark chocolate will make you feel happier.
Dark chocolate also contains caffeine, a mild stimulant. However, dark chocolate contains much less caffeine than coffee. A 1.5 ounce bar of dark chocolate contains 27 mg of caffeine, compared to the 200 mg found in an eight ounce cup of coffee.
6. Weight Loss
Get your perfect curves just by adding chocolates in your diet…
If you’re wondering how you can add dark chocolate to your diet plan without putting on pounds, the good news is that it should be easier than you expect.
Researchers found that dark chocolate is far more filling, offering more of a feeling of satiety than its lighter-colored sibling. That is, dark chocolate lessens cravings for sweet, salty, and fatty foods. So if indulging in a bit of healthy dark chocolate should not only make it easy for you to stick to the small portion recommended for optimal health, but it should make it easier for you to stick to your diet in general. Jackpot!
7. Good News For Mommy
Women who ate chocolate daily during their pregnancy reported that they were better able to handle stress than mothers-to-be who abstained. Also, a Finnish study found their babies were happier and smiled more. Hmm, so your options are popping a piece of premium chocolate or sticking a pacifier in your screaming baby’s mouth?